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English Poetries

One day

You'll wake up

With a dream

Which is going to be totally yours

You lost so many things!

But this is going to be your only chance

I hope by the time you have that dream

You have that fire in you

Which will make you wake up all night

To make moonlight

Your sunshine,

I hope by that time

You'll learn not to compromise

For anything that you want in your life,

I hope you have that desire to

Keep what's yours to yourself

I wish the day you have that dream

You learn to live

By the principle of


Swati Shikha Laxmi

  1. Quest For life
Quest for life
Quest for life

I wonder if I am at that stage in my life

Where I should seek

Peace and happiness

Or should I just go on a rampage

To get it all,

All the things I want from this life

Take what's mine

And then sit in peace

After building a happy place for myself

And my loved ones,

But you never choose grass to eat

Once you've tasted what flesh taste like

Do you?

You never sit after that because you run

Run like a dog

To hold on to what's yours

Or some even run in the quest for more

Then you pause because now your knees hurt, your bones are getting old and weak

Now you want to pass these on to your children/

You want them to run as you did

First to get what you want

Next to hold what you have

Then you find a place at the height

Where people can't reach

But then you start to grieve

For all the things you've lost

Because you were running

Now your heart will never know peace

Then you'll pass down the chaos

The way I see the world is nothing

But dogs fighting and running

Snatching away each other's beef

The truth is all we talk is peace

And all we have in store to sell is chaos

We have never been taught

To narrate our stories

In terms of what we have

We have been taught to narrate

Our stories in terms of

What we lack,

We have been taught to compare

And when we compare

What we have seems so small

In comparison to those who have everything,

Then we couldn't help but think

How much we don't have,

Swati Shikha Laxmi

  1. Accept Yourself

Don't beg

No don't scream

I know you feel the highest tremors

Of earthquake in your heart

It's not that hard

Don't chop off your beliefs

Because you're afraid that

You might get lost

Why is it so easy for you

To give up on yourself

And to get going for someone else

Don't beg

No don't scream

Don't stop them

And don't surrender

Your heart is like that child

Whose guardian angel ignores him

And give all their wealth to someone else

That child do it's best

To let you know you are doing an evil thing

And you're being played

But you keep on tormenting it

To keep it silent

Because you have no self-control

No courage

You got no courage to respect yourself

Your fear of living without someone

Is much more than

Fear of losing yourself

You need someone to complete you

Because you think you are incomplete

And why do you think

Someone will love the empty jar

You don't need anyone

Accept you

For yourself,

Your value

For who you are,

Your love

For your flaws,

It's an art to love yourself,

Because then you free the person you love

From all the obligations of

Expectation game

And when you do this

Then it becomes love

Otherwise, it is an expectation game!!

Swati Shikha Laxmi
